
Dry Forest Conservation

About AID Forests

We are committed to helping conserve tropical dry forests and the people who live in and around them.

AID Forests aims to address this enormous problem with a two-fold strategy: (1) raising awareness about the plight of dry forests around the globe, and (2) actively working to support the research and conservation of tropical dry forests while simultaneously striving to improve the well-being of the associated communities.

As a young organization with only voluntary staff, we currently focus mainly on the tropical dry forests of Madagascar. We believe that our efforts can be most effective by concentrating our projects in one region and then expanding to other parts of the globe as we grow.

Increasing Awareness

About 40% of the forests in the topics are dry forests.


By working with our partners, we aim to establish peaceful relationships.


Understanding the flora, fauna, and ecosystems of tropical dry forests.


Making science-based education materials available.


Working with people who live in and around tropical dry forests to improve their well-being.

Sharing Happiness

Creating a forum for people who love tropical dry forests as much as us.
