
The AID Forests mission includes improving the lives of the people living in and around dry forests. Our approach is to ask communities what they want and need. Our first education project involves building a school a community just outside of the Kirindy Mitea National Park. The Antsira community asked us to build a preschool for their community.

Antsira community school outside of Kirindy Mitea National Park

This is a picture of a school in Antsiridrano, a community living in the middle of a dry forest in western Madagascar.

graduate students research in tropical dry forests

Another education project involves supporting people living in and around dry forests to improve their educational opportunities. We are currently raising funds to provide scholarships for (1) rural children to attend middle school or high school in the city, (2) high school graduates to attend university, and (3) graduate students to conduct research in/on dry forests.

scholarships for children living in and around tropical dry forests