Ankoatsifaka Research Station

Building Knowledge

Researching a tropical dry forest in Madagascar

AID Forests works to ensure that scientists from around the globe have the facilities they need at the Ankoatsifaka Research Station in the Kirindy Mitea National Park of western Madagascar so they can focus on answering critical questions about dry forest ecosystems and biodiversity.

We help to build and maintain the infrastructure needed to conduct on-the-ground research of tropical dry forests.

This internationally recognized field station also works with local communities to provide unique opportunities and serves as an outpost for people traveling through the forest.

Tropical Dry Forest Research in Madagascar
Students working at Ankoatsifaka Research Station
Ankoatsifaka Research Station in Madagascar

We support research infrastructure so that researchers can focus on answering critical questions about tropical dry forests.

Ankoatsifaka Research Station

Lunch at research station in madagascar

Providing Food & Friendships

Madagascar dry tropical forest researcher

Training Malagasy Students

Madagascar dry forest research

Monitering Biodiversity

fighting dry tropical forest fires

Fighting Forest Fires